Azharuddin, a very well known Indian Cricketer, also known as Azhar. He was an excellent batsman and best captain India ever produced. He got a very incredible and flawless batting style. He was so good in wrist flick that he used to play offside shot in onside effortlessly. Now he is a politician, a member of parliament to Lok Sabha from Indian National Congress party.
While sketching him, I remebered his statement, he stated when he quit captaincy. He stated- "Ab Main nahin mera balla bolega" and yes, he did that and hit five half centuries in a tournament. It was really a very graceful and fluid batting style he shown. I met him recently at Mumbai airport. I got a chance to speak to him. He took me very well and did not show me any kind of attitude. I promised him, I will sketch him and gift him in person. I tried to meet him this time in my Delhi trip but somehow could not make it. He was in Calicut and supposed to come to Delhi last week but my hard luck I could not get a chance to gift his sketch. I am in talk with his PA for fixing an appointment with him. Once he fixes I will meet him and gift his sketch to him. I am sharing you all a snap with him below.
Your comments are most welcome on his sketch!!
My best regards to all my loved ones!!
Atul Ojhal